Monday, October 02, 2006

Yesterday was a record high for the day, the high of 94 broke the record set in 1976. The rest of the week is supposed to be fairly warm, highs in the 80's and 90's. No one seems to be able to agree about what the weather is to do, so who knows.

Because the weather has turned wacky, I have headaches. Thankfully they are pretty mild.

Had two dreams last nights that I remember parts of. In one I was living in a Victorian style house. Out front was a small flower garden that included a stone water feature. I don't remember how people were dressed other then the women had their hair up and wore white shirts. The houses on the brick street were close together and were painted white. There was a park across the street from the house that had a wrought iron fence around it. A gentleman was supposedly coming for me but he was late and I was upset about him being late. Somebody told me to go outside and wait for him. I went to the water feature and stared forlorn into the small amount of water that was there. When I heard a buggy going past I looked only to find it wasn't the person I was waiting on. That's all I remember of that dream.

In the other dream, myself and a few people were walking around looking for some old house. We were heading towards some farmland after being in sort of a wooded area for a bit. When we got to the old house I saw a ghost in one the upstairs windows. I was the only one to see it at first, and I was a little frightened by it. That's all I remember of this dream.

My football results from this weekend- Pros=KC, Indy, Chicago won. College=Idaho & Miami won, Northwestern & Washington St. lost.