Saturday, December 29, 2007

Had three strange dreams last night.

One I remember more detail about it then I do the other two. In the first, I was with a group of people in a hotel. We were packing our things up to leave. At some point I mentioned to someone in the dream that we sure did have a lot of things to take back with us and wasn't sure how we could do it. He seemed uncertain about it too. There were three rooms that out stuff was in I remember one of the rooms was "419" and it was down the hall from the other two rooms. That's all I remember about it.

In dream two, it was in black and white. Which is unusual for me, because I almost always dream in color. I do remember there were others involved, but not much more.

The third dream was preview for some movie I had never heard of and have no idea if it is even real. The dream was also in black and white. What I remember is mostly seeing this actor with sort of bushy hair, who was playing an actor in a stage play. At some point he has a light or a lighting effect blow up near him and it causes a part of his makeup to adhere to his face . He is devastated by this and that's all I remember.