Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Will have to call an electrician out in the next few days. Was taking a nap in my bedroom when I heard a popping noise. It was coming from an outlet with two things, which weren't in use at the time. There was a bit of smoke and sparks. Managed to get both things unplugged and then the fireworks stopped, but not before rendering all three outlets in my room, the overhead light in the hallway, as well as the outlets and overhead light in the spare bedroom (which we use as a storage room since the basement isn't a good place to store much) dead. Hopefully it will be something that can be fixed without costing a fortune. Its a good thing I didn't do what I was going to do and listen to my Walkman, I wouldn't have heard it. Something similar happened in Moms room a couple years ago, but nothing but that one outlet was damaged.