Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I've been a bit lax in posting and there are a few legit reasons. First off, I had a cold for a week or so and really didnt feel like posting when I didnt feel so well. Secondly, there hasnt been a whole lot to report other then the cold, warmer winter weather then normal and maybe a strange dream or two. And then I just really havent felt like posting. But I will repent and try to at least make an effort to post something.

Watched some of the bowl games and for some reason enjoyed them more then I normally do. Dont know if its because I didnt get a chance to watch much in the way of sports when I was out of the country on vacation or if it was just that the teams in the games were more interesting. It could be the latter.

Have a dentist appointment Saturday. Mom has one too, but since she now has a cold she may not keep hers. Have some other things to do this weekend, so it will be a busy weekend. Laundry, shopping, cleaning and resting. Dont know how much of anyting we will get done if Mom isnt feeling better.