Sunday, April 27, 2008

Well it took us a little longer then we planned and we didn't get as much as we wanted to, but we did get some much needed yard work done. When we were out yesterday, I bought a few more flower bulbs. I know where all the bulbs are to be planted.

Got about an eighth of an inch of rain over night. I think some parts of the area got hit with some worse weather then what we got. I will admit that I am happy that we got some rain lately. First we do need it, secondly it helps everything and everything is greening up now. It really looks nice out.

Tried to get the mower started and couldn't. I don't know whats wrong with it. Really don't want to spend the money to get a new one, but before I go out and get a new one I want to try one last thing.

Need to plant bulbs this week and also do some house work. So it will be a busy week.