Saturday, September 27, 2008

Went out to the Renaissance festival today and got over heated. Have felt sick since then. Will take a cold shower later and hope that helps. Was going to see a movie this afternoon, but after lunch just decided to come home. Both of us feel a bit sick.

Don't think I will want to go back to the Renaissance festival. For whatever reason, today proved to both of us just how much it sucks. When we limit ourselves on buying anything kinda helps suck the air out of it. On top of that, most of the acts stink. The wandering characters, like in years past, aren't wandering around. Add to that drunk fools, over-priced under done often greasy food, hordes of people just standing around and what you get is a bad time. I am not saying I am sorry for going. In the two hours or so we were out there is was nice, but I don't think I want to go again. I am not saying ever again, I am leaving it open to the chance that maybe some time I will want to go. But next time I will want to go when it's cooler and get there a bit earlier.