Friday, August 22, 2008

Been watching the Olympics a bit. Michael Phelps is over rated and no Mark Spitz. The Chinese gymnasts look younger then 16. Beach Volleyball, baseball, BMX, softball, badminton, ping pong and a couple other events should not be in the bloody Olympics. Too damned much time has been used up showing us beach volleyball, mostly the skanky USA womens team.

The weather has been nice for August. But we might pay for it in September.

I love my ipod shuffle.

Montana may have had a stroke, seizure or something last weekend. He seems fine. But at almost nineteen years old, he is not as active as he was when he was a younger cat.

Had a dream last night that I was on a cruise ship. And on the wrong one too. The night before I dreamed of seeing several UFOs in formations. One set was closer to the house and the other set was on the right and further away. I was playing with the dogs, it was dusk and there was other stuff going on. They were in the southwestern sky. Don't remember too much of either dream.