Friday, January 06, 2006

/rant on

Pat Robertson a so called man of God is giddy about Sharons' stroke. I don't know how this loser is able to go out and say crap like this without people coming down hard on him and doing protests and what not. I mean this jerk has also called for assassinations of people. Is he getting this message from God? This is why when people ask me about my beliefs in religion I say "I believe in God, I don't believe in religion", and that's the truth. Its bad enough idiots like Robertson have an audience who think he's the greatest thing since sliced cheese, but you have the people in the cult known as Scientology that spout crap like "Aids is a state of mind".

When religions can get there act together and say "Okay, we've worked everything out and we are all together on this. This is what we now are going with as a belief structure and so on" I might listen to them. You have one book called the bible, but you have like (this is an exaggeration) 2,000 religions based on that book.

/rant off.