Monday, January 12, 2009

Finally took some things to Goodwill. Had been putting off going for a few weeks and we had a large container that was in the way and now its gone. Also did a small amount of shopping while we were out.

Ebay has slowed way down. The recession isn't helping. When will the bail out for the people of this country happen?

Had a couple strange dreams recently. One from the other night had me in the house listening to people break in. There was some strange activity prior to them trying to break in like vehicles of all sorts slowing down to look at the house. Most of the stuff took place at night but when I went to call the cops is was suddenly day time. A dream from last night took place at night. I was alone in a strange car driving around the neighborhood trying to get photos of a UFO while there was a thunderstorm going on. At one point lighting struck the car and came at me and then towards the camera. The strange thing was the car didn't die, it stopped for a second but continued to funtion normally. Thats all I remember about both.