Thursday, January 24, 2008

I have a dentist appointment on Saturday. After the appointment, we are going to have some fun. First ,we will go to the Nelson and then finish up with lunch there. Secondly, a movie (Meet The Spartans is the front runner), then maybe some shopping and lastly dinner. We haven't had much fun lately so this should be a nice change. And we ha vent been to a movie in ages.

It is very cold now, but it looks like the weather will warm up a bit. I wonder how long this warm turn will last. Regardless, the dogs love the snow we still have on the ground and the snow. And a happy snow dog is a great thing.

Had a dream last night that I was traveling with some gal from southern Texas to some place north of me. I don't know how I know her or why I was travelling with her, but I seemed comfortable with her. I do remember being in a restaurant with her and her mentioning that we didn't have a lot of money to spend on breakfast. As we were at the counter we couldn't read the menu very well or figure if they had anything we wanted. We ended up leaving without breakfast. The dream went on for a bit longer but I don't remember anything about it. It seemed to launch into me working in some sort of odd museum zoo combo. I was in a uniform and was in one of the rooms closing the drapes (or whatever they actually were) in each of the enclosures. I was interacting with some of the animals and was frightened by a few. There were lots of people in the room I was in. That's pretty much all I remember.