Wednesday, February 15, 2006

So far the Olympics suck. And it's not because the Americans aren't doing well. Most of it is the lousy coverage, also a factor is the repeated watchablity of some of the events. There are only so many times I can watch someone on the luge and so many times I can watch speed skating. Curling is just bloody awful to watch and who the heck decided it should be in the Olympics? Hockey, or any other team sport for that matter ( I do not include the two and four man bobsled in this), shouldn't be in the Olympics.

I also don't want to see boring, so called "touching" stories of some athlete who triumphed over some adversity to get to the Olympics. The commentators need to spend a little more time shutting their mouths when stuff is being shown. Their comments aren't that great and some of those people need a good smacking.

I had been somewhat excited to hear more than one channel was going to be covering the games, that was until I found that curling and hockey was going to shown and that some channels wouldn't have more than an hour or two of events. I say to NBC Sports is "Why flipping bother showing anything if the coverage is going to be so poor". And would it be so hard to stay with one event for like a block of time rather then a few minutes here and there. It makes it hard to want to continue watching when the programming jumps all over.

I feel cheated and I cant get a refund or my time back. But I would waste both on something else anyway.

Okay, I feel better now.